Wellness news for septemberNow that fall is officially here, you’ve probably already noticed people sniffling or appearing a bit less cheery than they did throughout the summer.

And though the season is undeniably beautiful, it does require a bit more of an effort to keep yourself healthy and happy. With the changing season, now is the perfect time to boost your immune system. Here are a few tips to boost your immune system and your spirits!


  1. Buy foods in season and eat you Fall colors- Fall foods are vibrant, colorful and nourishing. One rule of thumb is that the more colorful the fruit, the better it is for your health and your immune system.Some of  best natural immune-boosters are: to drink plenty of fresh water, eat plenty of raw foods, garlic, lysine, probiotics, Vitamins B, C and D.
  2. Exercise in the Season- this is the perfect time of year for those longer hikes or bike rides that were a little too much in the hot summer months.
  3. Pamper Yourself- Get a massage or a facial. Changes in humidity and temperatures can drastically affect your skin’s balance and sleeping patterns.We advise keeping your skin hydrated, especially on areas of the body that tend to get drier, like elbows and feet. Get a facial for your skin type. Don’t wait until winter when it may be too late to prepare your skin for harsher temperatures. A massage can relieve pain and stiffness as the weather changes, build up your immune system, and a 1 hour massage can equal 4 hours of sleep.