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Dr. Lonquist is Grand Junction’s Trusted Chiropractor and Functional Medicine Doctor
Now Offering Red Light Therapy in Grand Junction, CO
Chiropractic Care
- Get the Care you Need without Co-pays or Deductibles
- No Insurance Hassles
- Customized Treatment Plans
- Expert care from doctor and author with over 30 years of experience.
- Memberships available starting at $59 per month
Red Light, Sound & Vibration Therapy
Red Light Therapy (RLT) and Near Infrared Light Therapy (NIR) are types of light that can improve skin health, reduce inflammation, improve muscle recovery and enhance healing from injuries. Sound Therapy, including techniques like guided meditation or binaural beats, can contribute to stress reduction, improved sleep, better focus and decreased cortisol. Vibration Therapy, where individuals interact with a vibrating platform, can increase circulation, decrease pain, improve muscle strength, balance, and bone density.
We support the underlying foundation of your body’s natural ability to heal itself
Bring back the sense of wellness and well-being you long for
Fully supported nutrition and lifestyle program
More Information available at:
Auto Injury
Weight Loss
Through purification, also known as detoxification, and Food Sensitivity Testing can help you remove natural toxins from your body and help regain a healthy weight.
Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy can be effective to increase circulation, relieve tension, reduce stress, relieve anxiety, improve sleep, and promote relaxation throughout the entire body. We also incorporate Sound, Vibration and Aromatherapy to Increase the healing benefits.
What Is Wellness?
Wellness is one of those current buzz words we hear a lot about but hard to define. Is it drinking bottled water? Jogging? Taking vitamins? Is it all those together? While those things are beneficial, wellness encompasses more than that. I would define wellness as the degree to which we experience health and vitality in any dimension of our lives. This definition allows a person to always be working on wellness and working toward wellness.
If I am in optimal aerobic shape does it mean I have optimal wellness?
How does eating right fit into wellness?
Can stress affect wellness?
What is optimal health?
What is optimal Wellness?
Wellness Education
Complete Guide To Total Health & Wellness
QUICKLY TRANSFORM YOURSELF This wellness & rejuvenation book aims to transform your body & mind to a healthier, more confident, energetic & attractive you. Get Your Free Book!

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$49 Initial Visit Special
This Limited time offer includes an Exam, Computer Nerve Scans, and Adjustment and a review of findings booklet including health recommendations.
$49 New Patient Special Website Offer
Includes Exam, Computerized Nerve Scans, and Adjustment
To request an appointment or to learn more, please call
970-257-9199 or contact us here.